Queer Chicanisma Online

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Can't live without the Interent? Read on...

Do you like being online? Do you believe that the internet should be accessible to everyone? Do you think its wrong to regulate internet usage and website speeds based on who can and cannot pay for them?

If you’ve answered YES to these questions then you should be for NET NEUTRALITY!

What exactly is net neutrality?

It refers to the belief that Internet users should be able to access whatever content they want. Without it larger websites that can afford to pay the extra fees would get prioritized. Net neutrality is especially important because it protects smaller websites, including independent media. It is also what makes many online services free or low cost. (example: www.craigslist.org)

Who is against net neutrality?

Big corporations such as telephone and cable companies who would benefit from charging the extra fees.

Why is it important to act now?

THIS Thursday, the Senate Commerce Committee will vote on net neutrality! We need them to vote in favor of it by voting for the Snowe-Dorgan amendment.

I really liked this quote I found online which summed it up like this:

“If you want the Internet to remain a force for innovation and free speech, urge our Senators not to sell off cyberspace to special interests.” --From the Common Cause Blog

What can you do to help net neutrality?

All you got to do is call the senators and say:

“I would like to urge Senator _____ to vote in support of the Snowe-Dorgan net neutrality amendment (S.2917) to the Stevens bill.”

Just like that.

Or you can just say:

“Please tell Senator ______ to vote for net neutrality.”

Go to http://www.commoncause.org/CallForNetNeutrality for a list of the committee members and their phone numbers. [Note: Senators with an * by their names are on our side (pro net neutrality)]

You can also read this article by craigslist founder in support of net neutrality:
